Within the Togavirus family it is the only member in the genus Rubivirus5. The rubella virus belongs to the Togaviridae family because it has an envelope, it is iosahedralm and the genomic arrangement is linear. Within Togaviridae there are two genera, the Rubivirus and Alphavirus. The Rubivirus and Alphavirus differ firstly, in how structurally different they are. They both involve the fusion of their glycoproteins, but also in a way that the Alphaviruses undergo a conservative evolution of their envelope proteins8. It is suggest that this occurs because they are transmitted by an arthropod, whereas the rubella virus is
Within the Togavirus family it is the only member in the genus Rubivirus5. The rubella virus belongs to the Togaviridae family because it has an envelope, it is iosahedralm and the genomic arrangement is linear. Within Togaviridae there are two genera, the Rubivirus and Alphavirus. The Rubivirus and Alphavirus differ firstly, in how structurally different they are. They both involve the fusion of their glycoproteins, but also in a way that the Alphaviruses undergo a conservative evolution of their envelope proteins8. It is suggest that this occurs because they are transmitted by an arthropod, whereas the rubella virus is