We the people of the 3510 residence in order to bring peace establish family, respect and, tranquility; we honor the rules and, secure our feelings towards one another, do maintain and, establish this Constitution for the people in the 3510 Beau Chene Drive Home. When in action of human events. It is necessary for one to stand up for what they believe in with justice, pride and, honor in their heart. To bring force peace between the people living in this house with all respect and, support towards the rules that have been applied.
I’ve said these truths to be self-evident: That everyone is created equal; that they are provided by their created with certain nonrefundable rights and, among these are life, agreements and, peace; that to secure these suggestions or, rules that the adults placed among us children deriving their powers from consent of grandparents; that whenever parents disagree and, go against these rules we respectfully protest with determination; to protest with neatness and, persuasive pride may cause you to give up with annoyance of our common sense; common sense will dictate that the adults shall not change these rules to keep peace in the house; it is your right, to overthrow these rules as you are the adults but we will not stand the overthrown of these rules; the history of our family is a history of pure obedience and, unhappiness, all because of the past of our decants and, ancestors to improve this lifestyle must change abiding by these rules.
You have refused to keep peace in the house.
You have forbidden the use of electronics in the room that limit our happiness and, cause us to always be bored and, complain and bother you which you happen to hate causing everyone to be unhappy.
You have refused to let us cook whenever we want and were all hungry including you and, it causes us to clean up late which upset’s you especially when school is on the next day.
You have called forth a