Part One (Flame Test):
Create and complete a data table for Part One of the lab. It should include the name of the element (or unknown) examined and the color of the observed flame
Known Elements Color
Barium Green
Calcium Red
Sodium Yellow
Rubidium Violet/Blue
Potassium Blue
Lithium Magenta
Identify each unknown from Part One of the lab and briefly explain why you identified each unknown as you did.
Unknown substance One is Yellow and Unknown substance two is Blue. They gave off the same hues as sodium and potassium.
Part Two (Spectroscopy):
Create and complete a data table for Part Two of the lab. It should include the name of the element, the colors, and the wavelength values of the observed lines.
Spectrum Line Hydrogen Helium Sodium Neon Mercury
1 Violet/blue, 410 nm Blue, 445 nm Dark yellow, 580 nm Violet/blue, 420 nm Blue/violet, 430 nm
2 Blue, 440 nm Green, 510 nm Dark yellow, 585 nm Green, 515 nm Blue, 450 nm
3 Green, 510 nm Dark yellow, 585 nm Yellow/Orange, 595 nm Green, 520 nm Green, 540 nm
4 Green/yellow, 535 nm Red, 690 nm Green, 525 nm Green/yellow, 550 nm
5 Yellow, 550 nm Dark red, 735 nm Yellow, 575 nm Yellow, 570 nm
6 Dark yellow, 570 nm Dark yellow, 580 nm Red, 675 nm
7 Red, 660 nm Red, 700 nm Red, 690 nm
8 Dark red, 680 nm Dark red, 710 nm Dark red, 710 nm
9 Dark red, 700 nm Dark red, 720 nm
10 Dark red, 745 nm
Describe the line spectrum of the star. Give the color and wavelength value of the five brightest lines in the spectrum.
It went from purple to red
1. Purple with a wavelength of 415 nm
2. Teal with a wavelength of 490 nm
3. Green with a wavelength of 550 nm
4. Yellow with a wavelength of 585 nm
5. Red with a wavelength of 710 nm