Self-assessment is also conducive to learning providing strict guidelines are set out before the topic is actioned. With regard to making the student responsible for the self-assessment beforehand, the student is aware of the responsibility placed upon themselves and the constant self-evaluation contributing towards the final self-assessment. In addition, the understanding of the subject and subject matter becomes as important as the assessment itself when self assessing. Another point that has equal value to the self-assessment process is the necessity to reference from both a student point of view and included within the role of the assessor and the actual assessment.
Self-assessment can on occasion be more productive than other types of assessment because the student is learning and developing their own ability to judge the quality of their own work. The self-assessment process can be both formative and summative, making it a valuable learning and teaching tool.1) …show more content…
By encouraging self-assessment as a tool to be used by the student, the student can become familiar with what to evaluate and how to do it constructively. When criticising work either personally or someone else it is important to be able to offer positive examples in place of criticism, by identifying areas of strength before challenging the weaknesses the assessment is more likely to be conducive to learning instead of