Another important aspect that has risen from different studies is that consumers purchase mobile phones due to the fact that their existing one's capacity is not appropriate referring to the idea that new technology features such as built-in cameras, better memory, radio, more developed messaging services, and color displays are influencing consumer decisions to acquire new models (Liu,2004). Thus it can be expected that new features will influence the intention to acquire new mobile phones
One widely accepted model is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Davis (1989), in an innovation adoption and diffusion model, emphasized the theoretical constructs of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as a means …show more content…
(2010) conducted a study to investigate consumer buying decision on mobile phone brands. The results showed that price was the most important factor that determined purchase decisions. The second most influential factor was durability and user friendliness. It was also interesting to find out that, although price, durability and user friendliness ranked high as the factors that determine consumer buying behavior of a mobile phone, the factor that acted as a motivational influence for people to change their phones was new technological features in a mobile phone.
A 2012 study in University of Nairobi to examine the factors affecting consumer buying behavior among undergraduate students showed their preference towards mobile phone brands and factors affecting or determining their purchase behavior. The study revealed that, phones attributes, name of the brand, price, quality and durability were important factors to be considered when purchasing a mobile phone. Safety is another factor that was captured as something that would make one change a mobile phone brand to another.
2.4 Research …show more content…
Further, this model is not computational intensive and has been recommended by many researchers as the best model when dealing with multiple categorical variables (Kropko, 2008).
The advantage of this model is that probability formula has a closed form and it’s readily interpretable and test variation that relates to unobserved attributes (Train, 2003).
Multinomial logit model assumes independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) which implies that the odds of choosing an alternative i relative to an alternative j are independent of the characteristics of or the availability of alternatives other than i and j (McFadden, 1973).
In this study there are five choices of mobile phones to be researched in relation to consumers’ purchase decisions. The dependent brand ownership has polychromous response variable that does not have an ordered structure. Since our dependent variable brand ownership has 5 categories, one value of the dependent variable will be the reference category. The probability of other categories will be compared with probability of the reference category