Individual Knowledge and Skills. When conflict occurs because members of the organization have different backgrounds, different values because of different socialization experiences, or different time spans of feedback from their work, exposure to these differences by cross-training or job rotation can help to reduce the conflict. Interpersonal communication skills and assertiveness skills can be taught so that small disagreements are dealt with as they arise and therefore do not accumulate over time into major conflicts.
Assertive behavior is direct speaking about your own needs, feelings, and goals. It tells the other party what you think, feel, and want without being …show more content…
How can it be proven?
Adverse impact relates to the total employment process that results in a significantly higher percentage of a protected group in candidate population being rejected for employment, placement or promotion. It can be proven when a person can show that the employer selection procedures had an adverse impact on a protected minority group. It was as proven by four basic approaches disparate rejection rates, the restricted policy approach, population comparisons, and the McDonnell-Test.
2-7 Explain the defense and expectations to the discriminatory practice allegations.
The defense is determined to acknowledge the discrimination usually if it is based on the existence of a facially discriminatory policy. It is not a discriminatory practice if any refusal or suspension is established by an employer. In some cases employment of an individual is refused or terminated because the individual has not reached a particular age requirement that applies to that employment by law or under regulations.
2-8 What is the difference between affirmative action and equal employment