The Innovative A’s Consulting Group is glad to run our analysis on your company’s operational process. Your company has done tremendous progress and indeed it is a recommendable success as it started out small and grew to be one of the leading businesses in the industry. In our analysis over the past two weeks, we observed that, if planned well, CanGo has a promising future ahead. Our team came up with certain issues being faced by your company, which we assume, if not resolved, can cause a problem in the long run for CanGo to be more successful. Your company has been lucky over the past few years, but in our evaluation, we concluded that CanGo’s future needs a great deal of strategic planning. By carefully viewing your company’s videos for the past two weeks, our team came up with 6 major issues being faced by CanGo. Each member of a our team has worked on how to make CanGo’s future a promising one, and we promise if CanGo resolves the following issues, it will have a head start to a long term success in the future:…
ANSWER: Bass Pro Shops use many sales promotion tools. In-store sales are announced with flyers and brochures are offered to direct customers to various merchandise and services. Informational brochures help customers choose the right products for their needs. These informational brochures give Bass Pro Shops the opportunity to sell items that customers might not have otherwise thought to buy. Special Events also play an important role in sales promotions for Bass Pro Shops. The Spring Fishing Classic draws more than 50,000 people to the Springfield, MO store. Top fishing equipment manufacturers display their latest products. The Fall Hunting Classic draws about 80,000 visitors to the store. These promotions help Bass Pro Shops get consumers into their store and once consumers are there for an event, they are more likely to make purchases. The company tries very hard to make the shopping experience at a Bass Pro Shop long and enjoyable. They offer places to eat and even a…
During the past twenty years, historians have learned that there were at least two Continental armies, the first being the army of 1775-1776, which was mostly made of large land owners who were expecting a short conflict, untrained and undisciplined, the second Continental army was built out of the first but had more discipline, a more difficult training regime, and called for longer enlistments. The first Continental army believed the quality of their ideals and their honorable pledge to defend their homes against the British would be enough to defeat the British quickly. The first Continental army lost quickly to the superior numbers and training of the British offensive against New York. Although the army was very zealous,…
Jetty Rats is a novel about a thirteen year old boy called Hunter Vettori, who has an enormous ambition to catch a mulloway. A mulloway is not just a big fish, it’s a fish that’s going to make him more rich and famous than Rex Hunt! Then Hunter could get away from Dogleg…
Station Eleven Essay In the novel, Station Eleven by Elizabeth St. John Mandel, the author decided to start the book by introducing the readers to Arthur Leander, who is one of the main characters. Arthur Leander who was performing as King Lear in Shakespeare's play. As he was performing something really tragic happened to him, he had a heart attack on stage. After the death of Arthur Leander, there was a Georgia Flu outbreak that was spreading all over the world.…
During the American Civil War, both the Northern Union and the Southern Confederacy’s navies were very important for the war. Without the navies, the war might have ended up very different. The two navies completely changed the way that the United States thought about naval warfare.…
In The Wordy Shipmates, author Sarah Vowell talks about the Puritans and different aspects of the formation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Vowell makes a vague thesis about how the Puritans were a writing based group of people. Their lives were influenced by all forms of writing whether it is pamphlets, literature, or the bible. The Wordy Shipmates starts off with Vowell stating, “The only thing more dangerous than an idea is a belief. And by dangerous I don’t mean thought-provoking. I mean: might get people killed.” Vowell supports this statement throughout her The Wordy Shipmates as she heavily explains how religion plays an important role in every part of the Puritan lifestyle during this time. When Vowell talks about the Puritan lifestyle…
The group was assembled by Compton-based Eazy-E, who co-founded Ruthless Records with Jerry Heller. Initially, N.W.A consisted of Eazy-E and Dr. Dre, who in turn brought DJ Yella on board.[8] Dre and Yella were both formerly members of the World Class Wreckin' Cru, as DJs and producers. Together with fellow producer Arabian Prince, Ice Cube was added to the roster after he had started out as a rapper for the group "C.I.A."[9] Ruthless released the single "Panic Zone" in 1987 with Macola Records, which was later included on the compilation album N.W.A. and…
A team is a coordinated group of persons organized to work jointly to accomplish a specific or common goal. A group includes at least three people and even though all teams are small groups not all groups function as a team. In a group setting it’s possible that each member may have a different agenda or mission separated from one another and each team member may have a different idea of what needs to be accomplished. A team has individual who work together to achieve a general task. Teams usually have clearly defined team- members responsible and being fortunate to have been part of both a team and a group.…
Due to the local naval bases and the strong maritime trade, the San Francisco Bay Area became one of the leading centers for the development of radio and radar.…
The overpopulation problem is a hot topic in the world. The population growth brings us tremendous pressure because it grows too fast. Also the developing countries and underdeveloped counties have higher population growth rate; for example, India, China, and Indonesia. The daily news updates the information about how people help the poor countries. Are we really helping poor countries? I think no one can exactly answer this question. Garrett Hardin had an unequal opinion comparing with others in 1974. He made the analogy of the rich countries and poor countries. “Metaphorically each rich nation can be seen as a lifeboat full of comparatively rich people. In the ocean outside each lifeboat swim the poor of the world, who would like to get in, or at least to share some of the wealth.” Garrett Hardin argues for a very harsh thesis: we simply should not provide aid to people in poor countries. His argument is consequentiality: he claims that the net result of doing so would be negative. I do not agree with his opinion because of three main points.…
Rowing is a team sport, and requires a fully devoted team to succeed, as well as academics at Belmont Hill. One thing that sets Belmont Hill far apart from any other school is its goal to make the campus a happy and comfortable place for all of its students. They understand that not everyone is a professional at every subject, and help arrange for tutors to help you progress through challenging material. This concept is also present in the book The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. This is similar to rowing and how Joe keeps his team positive and ready to race. One of the most important parts is keeping everyone “on the same note” and keeping consistent strokes in order to flawlessly propel their shell. Another example of teamwork is when the team qualifies for the olympics, but can’t afford to travel to Germany. As a team, they raise money and soon meet their goal. As Joe Rantz progressed into his life as a young adult, he learned to trust his teammates, was devoted to doing what was…
By definition brilliance is someone who is incredibly talented or clever. Chance Gardner is an extremely gifted character who I consider to be brilliant. Kosinski demonstrated a superficial world and how a man with no knowledge other then the television can fool people and make his way up in society. In the novel Being There, by Jerzy Kosinski the character of Chance Gardner makes the distinction between human behavior and comes from a past that one he encounters would ever know.…
My path towards a career leads me to be an astronaut. Some of the work tasks are members of a space shuttle crew that orbits the Earth and flies to space stations, study and photograph the Earth, stars, and planets from space, and do research on space exploration. Also, they make sure all missions are carried out as planned and in safety. Astronauts labor in classrooms, flight simulators, space shuttles, and for NASA. They like to work with many flight instruments, onboard systems, spacecraft, spacesuits, and emergency equipment. For being an astronaut, you need to be gifted and inquisitive about outer space. You need to be superior students in school, be self-reliant, and work as part of a team. Also, under pressure decisions and reacting quickly in emergencies is needed for this career. Last, you need to be eager to participate in highly treacherous missions.…
parallel plots, as well as his writing style being fantastically well written, to make it an awesome…