World History DBQ
Buddhism, originated in India, was brought to China by the first century C.E. During 220 C.E. - 570 C.E. Buddhist influence expanded but was also questioned.
Buddhism's structure was the preaching of the “Four Noble Truths” which spoke about the truth of sorrows. It spoke of Buddhas teachings and how he over looked the ways of life; Sorrow of life. No gratification if nothing is fulfilled, which the desire for fulfillment arises greed. The craving, the need for certain pleasure, which can be nullified with control. Thus, it shapes you and your life through the teachings. In the second document, It agrees with the preaching in “Four Noble Truths”. Believing and practicing Buddhism will ensure you a reward of eternal happiness in the end of your life; following the way of Buddha grants you passage to Nirvana.
Document three shows the clash of the teaching of the prophets. The ideals of the Chinese teachings and Buddhism are being questioned among it's people; resulting into many conflicts. For example, the contrast of Confucius and Buddha, people debate if why is the teachings of Buddha is the greatest, how come Confucius did not practice it? More conflicts arouse as the Emperor show subliminal actions in Document four. The division is causing conflicts, causing resistance of the Emperors decision of accepting a relic of the Buddha. Some opposed to this idea since they believed that Buddhism was a cult patronized by Barbarians. Document five focused on the Confucius, Laozi, and Buddha as perfect prophets. Acknowledging this unites the indifferences among their approaches, but not their teachings. To have an orderly society, the people must encourage good deeds, punished evils, and reward the better. In Document six, the widespread of Buddhism in China is transparent. It described the depiction of the behaviors to the physical reality of Buddhism. Although monks are widespread, many people had