200571 Management Dynamics
School of Business -- Management
Student family name: Student first name: Student number: Unit number and name:
200571 Management Dynamics
Tutorial day: Tutorial time: Tutorial room: Tutor: Title of assignment:
Individual written assignment – Organisation studies
1,000 words (± 100 words)
Date due:
Submit through Turnitin, on or before 11:45PM Sunday of Week 6 (7 September 2014)
Date submitted: Campus of enrolment:
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200571 Management Dynamics
Written assignment #1: Organisation Studies, CSR and Leadership
(Graded; worth 15% of total marks)
This written assessment is the first of two that provides students with an exercise to assist in their understanding of two important areas of enquiry in management, viz.: the issues, concepts, themes and principles associated with corporate social responsibility and the leadership shown by managers in adopting, embracing and possibly embedding corporate social responsibility within their organisations. As indicated in