Student Name: Pilate Songsi | ID Number: U26884SEL35386 |
Consumerism can be defined as the “buying and using of goods and services; the belief that it is good for a society or an individual person to buy and use a large quantity of goods and services” (Oxford advanced learners dictionary). Most of the environmental and social problems the world faces today can be considered as symptoms of a deeper general failing: a dominant cultural pattern that encourages living in ways that are often directly counter to the realities of a finite planet. This pattern that can be termed consumerism,’ has already spread to cultures around the world and has led to consumption levels that are vastly unsustainable. If these patterns continue to spreads further with no drastic efforts made to check them, there will be little possibility of solving climate change or other environmental problems that are poised to dramatically disrupt human civilization. It will therefore take a sustained, long-term effort to readdress the traditions, social movements and institutions that shape consumer cultures towards becoming cultures of sustainability. These institutions include schools, the media, businesses and governments. Bringing about a cultural shift that makes living sustainable as 'natural' as a consumer lifestyle is today will not only address urgent crises like climate change, it could also tackle other symptoms like extreme income inequity, obesity and social isolation that are not typically seen as environmental problems. Consumerism is about creating desires. Sustainability on the other hand can be defined as “involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment” (Oxford advanced learners dictionary). It could also be defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Everything