2010 Mw = 8.8 Mega-thrust Earthquake, Maule, Chile
By Travis Eddy
1. Introduction
In early 2010 central south Chile experienced a Mw = 8.8 earthquake and large tsunami waves that devastated areas on the Chilean Pacific coast, nearby offshore islands, and areas near the epicenter. In addition to the tsunami, the earthquake had many other geological consequences including aftershocks, terrestrial and submarine land-sliding, elevation changes, and a gravity shift. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the earthquake, its consequences, the resulting damages, and mitigation.
2. Geologic Setting
Figure 1: Profile of area around the epicenter (Moscoso, et.al., 2011)
The site of the main event lies ~ 10 kilometers offshore of the Chilean coast, beneath the broad flat 30 – 40 kilometer wide canyon cut continental shelf, and adjacent to the 4.7 kilometer deep sediment filled trench [Figure 1] (Voelker, et.al., 2011). The region is tectonically characterized by the ~6 kilometer thick oceanic Nazca plate subducting underneath the continental South American plate at a convergence azimuth of ~ 78 ͦ and at a rate of 6.6 centimeters per year making the area one of the most active convergent margins on earth, typically experiencing a Mw > 8 earthquake every 10 – 20 years (Moscoso, et.al., 2011). Notable quakes in recent history include the 1960 Mw = 9.5 Valdivia earthquake which was the largest ever recorded, and quakes occurring in 1985 [Mw = 8.0], 1939 [7.8], 1928 [8.0], 1906, and 1835 which was documented by Darwin (Moscoso, Figure 2: Locking Degree in 2010 rupture area (Moreno, et.al., 2012) et.al., 2011; Tanimoto, Ji, 2010). Significantly the 1835 rupture plane has been plate locked since then, resulting in the accumulation of stress for 175 years prior to the main event [Figure 2] (Moreno, et.al., 2012). Other geologic features that could have possibly contributed to the triggering of the main event