In the film 2012 directed by Roland Emmerich it tells the story of a family who’s getting through the 2012 apocalypse. To me this movie is great and easy to get into. The mesmerising special affects every known and again the plot for me was engaging. Many themes come across with the main one being that family is the most important thing in life.
In the movie 2012 it follows the protagonist Jackson Curtis. He and his two kids Noah and Lilly are camping at Yellowstone National Park where they come across Charlie Frost a radio show host who broadcasts from the park. Charlie tells them of a secret place in China where government people and rich people have paid to be on massively built arks to survive the incoming floods. Jack with his kids rescue his ex-wife and her boyfriend from Los Angeles, where the city is slipping into the Pacific Ocean. The group then meets up with another group and then they fly to China. They crash land and begin to think they’re about to die in the wilderness. “The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity” says one member of the group. After raising the groups morale they begin to walk, shortly after they are spotted by a passing group who have tickets onto the arks. They get on and survive the floods and the ark lands on South Africa and they all start a new life.
Personally among all the relentlessly depressing, gruesome deaths of million, the film's main point is that family is ultimately the most important thing in life. Several characters risk their lives or well-being for family members, and one character tries to contact his family but it’s too late. Protagonist Jackson Curtis ignored his family and focused on his career but amongst disaster he returns to them and rescues their lives. Later on Jackson Curtis is aboard the ark when a screw driver gets jammed in the door gears, not allowing the motor to start. Through his bravery and selflessness he removes the screw driver leading to him