班 级: 1207班 任课教师: 王海波 学 号: 16120707 姓 名: 孙洁
A Probe into Sexism in English Vocabulary Based on Corpus [内容摘要]很多词汇学家认为英语是一门性别歧视语言,其中很多单词在特定的上下文环境下可以显示出明显的性别歧视现象。下文将在语料库研究数据的基础上,从性别歧视的概念和理论,词汇中性别歧视现象和成因,以及性别词汇的发展和未来趋势等几个方面进行分析。
[关键词]sexism,性别歧视;factors,成因; word frequency,词频;corpus,语料库 1. Introduction
In a broad sense, language covers all the shapes and whole scope in cultural life, which results the close connection between the analysis of language and various aspects of social life, such as politics, economy, social systems and so on. In language, word is the most sensitive one to reflect the developmental changes in times. In today’s society, there is still much discrimination against women and women has long been viewed as weaker sex or the second sex. These concepts have huge impacts on the usage and development of words, making a kind of sexism in English vocabulary. In this essay, we are going to analyze the sexism in English words based on corpus.
2. Some Basic Concepts
Major gender discriminations can be reflected in the aspects of sexism and andocentrism in English vocabulary, whose definitions are as follow.
2.1 Sexism
Sexism has many various definitions in language. Oxford English Dictionary says sexism is the assumption that one sex is superior to the other and the resultant discrimination practiced against members of the supposed inferior sex, esp. by men against women. The definition of this term in the Collins COBUILD Dictionary the belief that the members of one sex, usually women are less intelligent or less capable than those, of the other sex and need not be treated equally. According to these two definitions, we can draw a general conclusion as sexism is usually towards women.
2.2 Androcentrism
Androcentrism (Greek, "man, male") is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing male human beings or the masculine