PHYSICS (Theory)
Class – XII
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
Questions 1 to 5 are one mark questions.
Questions 6 to 10 are two marks questions.
Questions 11 to 22 are three marks questions.
Question 23 is four marks question.
Question 24 to 26 are five marks questions.
There is no overall choice in the question paper, but internal choice is there.
Use of calculator is not permitted.
1. Why it is not possible to charge just one end of metal rod?
2. Two wires of equal crossectional area, one of iron and the other of manganin, have the same resistance.
Which one will be longer?
3. What is the SI unit of magnetic flux?
4. Name the series of hydrogen spectrum which has least wavelength.
5. Why a transistor cannot be used as a rectifier?
6. Give two properties of electric field lines. Sketch them for an isolated positive point charge.
7. A conducting loop is held stationary normal to the field between the poles of a fixed permanent magnet. By choosing the magnet sufficiently strong, is it possible to generate the electric current in the loop. Give reason also. 8. What do you mean by critical angle? Give one practical application of total internal reflection.
Write down the three differences between inference and diffraction.
9. The two lines A and B shown are the graphs of the de Broglie wavelength λ as a function of
(V is the
accelerating potential) for two particles having the same charge.
Which of the two represents the particle of heavier mass?
10. Write down the function of (i) transducer and (ii) antenna?
11. State Coulomb’s law in electrostatics. The electrostatic force between two charges of 200 µC and 500 µC placed in free space is 5 gf. Find the distance between the two charges. (g = 10 m/s2)
12. Derive an expression for the electric current in terms of drift velocity. How the drift velocity of the electron depends on the temperature of