The world-wide sponsors are Coca-Cola, Samsung, Apple, Intel, and Visa.The sponsors for the 2026 Winter Olympics are Vanguard, Next, Ebay, and Butagaz.
Our games will cost around 7 billion factoring the venues, security and other aspects and components. Norway’s GDP and GDP per capita are 370.6 billion USD and 70,812.48 USD which proves that this country is fully capable of holding these olympics and are capable of funding them too. 2.3 billion dollars of the cost will be funded by taxpayers. We will have a total of 2.3 billion dollars from the taxpayers of Norway. The head party, the Progress party will pay 1.4 billion dollars supporting the transportation because Ketil Solvik-Olsen the head of transportation …show more content…
While these athletes are performing or taking part in their events, a lot of other jobs are being created too. Let’s start with the security. The security is an big part in the Olympic games because they are responsible for the people taking part in the events as well as the people of their country. There will be tons of security jobs for the people of Norway because of all the things need to be kept. There will be roughly around 9,000 jobs for the security aspects. Tour guides, when people come from foreign countries there will be a slight confusion on where things are and how they do things in that country. That’s where tour guides come in. There will be around 2,000 jobs for tour guides so they can guide the newcomers so they can enjoy the full effect of the Olympics. Ice maintainers are also an big part because they take care of all the ice rinks and speed skating rinks. There will be around 1,000 jobs created for the ice maintaining part in the Olympics. Construction workers and Carpenters, these guys are very important to the Olympics because without these guys we wouldn't be able to create and design the different venues and stadiums used in the Olympics. There will be around 6,000 jobs created in this aspect because you need a lot of workers to make and fix the different stadiums and venues. Snow maintainers, these guys are essential to the performance of athletes. These Olympics have a bunch of events on snow so therefore there will be around 4000 jobs created for the snow maintainers as this job is not easy because and it takes many people, Train conductors and ticket vendors. When the Olympics are in town there are always transportation needs which are needed by everyone. These train conductors and ticket vendors will be needed in order for it to run smoothly. There will be around 200 jobs created for this. The total round up of the jobs