One of the primary arguments for imperialism was the manifest destiny which is the expansion must replace the geographic barriers of the North Americans continent. The manifest destiny had split up the democracy and Christian principles throughout the globe in each continent. The second of this arguing was the American nationalism. It protected self-determination and the rights of ensurement. The Americans were determined that being the most powerful defender of all things good joining the Britains and Russia. Social Darwinism is the concluding argument of the ideological motivation of imperialism. This Social Darwinism can prevail the ideological throughout the modern ages, based on the cultures or states can mostly adapt to the recent issues would …show more content…
Although, there’s a difference between the allied powers and central powers. In central powers being a group as Germany, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary. In allied powers being a group as Britain, France, Russia, and the United States. The United States was the newcomer of imperialism by 1914, yet gained control of the Philippines, Guam, and more in the Pacific. Although, in most nations of imperialism, being mentioned as ‘mother’s country’, being established control over the colonies by coercion. Austria-Hungary has joined Germany since the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The British empire had risen 140 times its size, Belgium rose 80 times its size, Holland rose 60 times its size, and France rose about 20 times its size. The Europeans imperialized America, the US also engage the degree of empire building toward the end of 1800. The continents that formed Central Powers are Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary in the beginning of WW1. Continents that formed Allied Powers are Britain, France, Russia, and the United