Nursing in the 21st century is constantly changing. Nurses today are not only expected to focus on the patient’s condition but, the patient as a whole. They are expected to focus upon the patients physical, psychological and social problems (Scott, Matthews, & Kirwan, 2013). The ways we address all of these needs must be proven through research and practice (Im & Chang, 2012). These concepts should be clear, defined and specific.
Nursing theory can play a role in finding ways to reach these goals and assist nurses in collaborating with patients to determine ways for patients to care for themselves. These theories can offer concepts to nurses and patients that provide direction in teaching them …show more content…
Even though these theories can be tested and proven they contain limits to the patient population that they can benefit. With these theories being specific to the area that they apply to they can be easily incorporated and utilized (Im & Chang, 2012). One situation-specific theory is Barbara Riegel’s Theory of Heart Failure Self-Care. This theory has proven to decrease hospitalization and mortality and increase the patients quality of life (Vellone, 2013). The concepts to this theory are, symptom monitoring and adherence to treatment. Through educating patients about early symptoms and interventions many patients are able to manage the heart failure at home prior to their symptoms escalating and requiring …show more content…
These theories are able to be easily incorporated into current research and practice (Im & Chang, 2012). The focuses of these theories are specific enough to apply to a variety of areas of practice but, not as narrow as that of situation-specific theories which only apply to a specific area and population. These theories are also not as broad as grand theories which can be vaguer on how they apply to specific situations.
One middle-range theory that can be easily applied to a variety of areas is that of Merle Mishel’s Uncertainty in Illness Theory. This theory relates to patients having a knowledge deficit related to their illness and are unable to formulate effective outcomes (Neville, 2013). Due to the patient’s diagnosis or prognosis the patient suffers from uncertainty and is no longer able to focus or control their normal way of life (Neville, 2013). This theory can be utilized by the nurse to determine and educate the patient on what their knowledge deficit is, what their dangers are and opportunities that are available to assist them in finding method’s to cope and