All Caps
Makes the selection all capitals (toggle)
2 Alt + Ctrl + 1
Apply Heading1
Applies Heading 1 style to the selected text
3 Alt + Ctrl + 2
Apply Heading2
Applies Heading 2 style to the selected text
4 Alt + Ctrl + 3
Apply Heading3
Applies Heading 3 style to the selected text
5 Ctrl + Shift + L
Apply List Bullet
Applies List Bullet style to the selected text
6 Alt + F10
App Maximize
Enlarges the application window to full size
7 Alt + F5
App Restore
Restores the application window to normal size
8 Ctrl + B
Makes the selection bold (toggle)
9 Ctrl + Pg Dn
Browse Next
Jump to the next browse object
10 Ctrl + Pg Up
Browse Prev.,
Jump to the previous browse object
11 Alt + Ctrl + Home
Browse Sel.
Select the next/prev., browse object
12 Esc
Terminates an action
13 Ctrl + E
Center Para
Centers the paragraph between the indents
14 Shift+F3
Change Case
Changes the case of the letters in the selection
15 Left arrow
Char Left
Moves the insertion point to the left one character
16 Shift + Left arrow
Char Left Extend
Extends the selection to the left one character
17 Rt. arrow
Char Right
Moves the insertion point to the right one character
18 Shift + Rt. arrow
Char Right Extend
Extends the selection to the right one character
19 Alt + Shift + C
Close Pane
Closes the active window pane (if you are in Normal View and have, for example, the Footnote pane open)
20 Alt+Drag (or press Ctrl + Shift + F8 and drag, but Alt + Drag is far easier!)
Selects a columnar block of text
21 Ctrl +Shift+C
Copies the formatting of the selection
22 Shift + F2
Makes a copy of the selection without using the clipboard (press Return to paste)
23 Alt + F3
Adds an AutoText entry to the active template