We are using Projecturf for most of our creative projects - print ads, brochures, web sites, etc. PT is mainly used between a project manager & designer -- then once initial creative is fleshed out, it's "shared" with the Creative Director.We do this so email alerts don't clog up the Creative Director's inbox until his input is needed.
How has Project Benefit you the most?
The main benefits of Projecturf to us are: the ability and ease to send, comment & keep track of the most recent project proofs & documentation of requested revisions (eliminates the possibility of sending the wrong file to printers or publishers when numerous versions have been produced -- this has happened a few times before PT); the ability to easily "share" large files with clients; and we've also set up a Project called "TTC Drop Site" as an FTP-type place for clients or other agencies to upload photos or large files.
What feature(s) do you like the most?
The overall collaboration functions.
Additional comments? Would you recommend to others?
For collaboration I would recommend PT to others. We have used BaseCamp in the past and find PT is easier to use and better designed.
Note that in our next release (hopefully in a couple of weeks) we are addressing the email notifications by allowing each users to turn them off and on for each section. Be sure to check back in a couple weeks