I. Description
A. Project Title
Rehabilitation of Water System
B. Project Location
Bote, Bato, Catanduanes
C. Brief Summary of the Project
The project primarily intends to decrease the poverty incidence in the barangay, in line with the thrust of the National Government which is directed towards poverty reduction. It will provide 221 HHs in the barangay an access to clean and safe water. It also seeks to eliminate the incidence of water-borne diseases in the barangay which was recorded at 55 cases of skin diseases during the preceding year.
As the more serious sickness which may be brought about by unsafe water will drain the budget of the family, availability of safe drinking water is a must to every household. Easy access to safe water will also result to savings in time of family members which will pave way for the accomplishment of other profitable undertakings. Although 90.5% percent of the households have water connections provided by the barangay, it failed to provide them with sufficient supply of clean and potable water. As such, there is a necessity to tap the appropriate water source in the barangay through the SALINTUBIG program of the DILG. The project will augment LGU’s undertaking in improving the water system of the barangay through its Economic Development Fund. Barangay Bote has also spent part of its development fund for the said water system, accomplishing the construction of the existing water tank that has a capacity of 21.6 cu. m and laying of the existing pipelines of the barangay water system.
D. Project Goals and Objectives
In general, the project is aimed at reducing the poverty threshold of the barangay from 80% to 65%. Specifically, it will provide the 1,105 individuals in 221 households in the barangay an access to safe drinking water. It will also promote good health and cause the eradication of water-borne diseases; and will reduce the time allotted by family members in fetching water,