(to inform)
Creo Elements/Pro Formerly Pro/Engineer is a 3D CAD/CAM/CAE program primarily used by Engineers, Designers and Draftsman in the development of products. Using the 3 dimensional capilities of Pro/Engineer a developer can model a component or assembly in a 3D environment in real time, thus reducing the time to market. By being able to do this in a virtual environment you can reduce the amount of prototypes considerably. For instance at one time when I was using a 2d environment (Drafting Board) to develop a project it took me three times to build prototypes before we got a good working prototype where as when we were in the 3D environment using Pro/Engineer we got a good working prototype the first time . Why? Because in the 3D world it is almost like the real thing. The parts are modeled and assembled just as if we were doing it live.
Let me give you an example. Just creating a sheet metal box in the 2D world we would draw up the parts on paper, check our fits and clearances. Everything may look good on paper but you have a thing called human error involved. We might have made a math error or just put down the wrong number on the drawing. That in itself can throw everything off. For one because the prototype shop is going to try and make the parts just the way you have them on the drawing. So if it’s wrong you get the parts back wrong. On the other hand with the help of a good 3D modeling program like Pro/Engineer we can achieve good parts quicker. Let me explain. With Pro/Engineer when you are creating a 3D model, it is created in real space so what you see on the screen is what you are going to get. If you make a change to the model the whole model and drawing changes unlike in the 2D world only the drawing changes. In the 2D world you have to make changes to every drawing. In the 3D world the models are linked to the drawings so if you make a change to the model the drawing also changes. You don’t have to touch the drawings. For