Bibliography: Bloche, M. G., & Marks, J. H. (2005). Doctors and Interrogaters at Guantanamo Bay. The New England Journal of Medicine , 6-8. Garlasco, M. E. (2008). "Troops in Contact": Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan. New York: Human Rights Watch. Helsing, J. W., & Mertus J. A. (2006). Human rights and conflict: exploring the links between rights, law, and Peacebuilding. Washington: United States Institute of Peace. Hocking, J., & Lewis, C. (2007). Counter-Terrorism and the Post-Democratic State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Humphrey, M. (2002). The Politics of Atrocity and Reconciliation: from Terror to Trauma. London: Routledge. Luban, D. (2002). The Publicity of Law and the Regulatory State. Journal of Political Philosophy , 296-316. McCulloch, J. (2003). 'Counter Terrorism ', Human Security and Globalisation - From Welfare to Warfare State? Current Issues in Criminal Justice vol 14 , 283-298. Pojman, L. P. (2006). Terrorism, Human Rights and the case for World Government. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Stout, C. E. (2002). The Psychology of Terrorism: Clinical aspects and responses. Volume: 2. Westport: Praeger Von Schorlemer, S Wilson, R. (2005). Human rights in the 'War on Terror '. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Zizek, S. (2002). Are we in a war? Do we have an enemy? London Review of Books. Vol. 24 No. 10
Bibliography: Bloche, M. G., & Marks, J. H. (2005). Doctors and Interrogaters at Guantanamo Bay. The New England Journal of Medicine , 6-8. Garlasco, M. E. (2008). "Troops in Contact": Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan. New York: Human Rights Watch. Helsing, J. W., & Mertus J. A. (2006). Human rights and conflict: exploring the links between rights, law, and Peacebuilding. Washington: United States Institute of Peace. Hocking, J., & Lewis, C. (2007). Counter-Terrorism and the Post-Democratic State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Humphrey, M. (2002). The Politics of Atrocity and Reconciliation: from Terror to Trauma. London: Routledge. Luban, D. (2002). The Publicity of Law and the Regulatory State. Journal of Political Philosophy , 296-316. McCulloch, J. (2003). 'Counter Terrorism ', Human Security and Globalisation - From Welfare to Warfare State? Current Issues in Criminal Justice vol 14 , 283-298. Pojman, L. P. (2006). Terrorism, Human Rights and the case for World Government. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Stout, C. E. (2002). The Psychology of Terrorism: Clinical aspects and responses. Volume: 2. Westport: Praeger Von Schorlemer, S Wilson, R. (2005). Human rights in the 'War on Terror '. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Zizek, S. (2002). Are we in a war? Do we have an enemy? London Review of Books. Vol. 24 No. 10