Zesta Fowlkes
Pam Mahre
3-Day Exercise Activity Analysis
In life it is very important to exercise. Exercise is good for everyone, it does not matter what age you are. Most people do not realize how important exercising is. Exercising can be very beneficial to the heart, mind, and body. After getting exercise it is also is important to keep track of your physical activity, and by doing so you will know how much calories you have burned, etc. In this paper I will be describing my current exercising habits, establishments that I have made as my 5 goals, what everyday changes might I make in order to increase the amount of energy that is expended in my day-to-day activities, the type of exercises that will work best for me, etc.
I can be honest to say that I do struggle to exercise on a consistent basis, which means that exercising is not a habit for me, but I can say that I am starting to make effort by incorporating exercising into my daily routine and lifestyle. I do not exercise on a daily basis, but I am happy to say that I am trying to make it a habit so that I will set a good example for my children so that they will know how important it is to exercise. What I can do to make exercise a habit is to set goals for myself. By doing so I will know the amount of exercising that I will like to be doing. I will set the goal to walk for 15 min each day, for at least 30 days at a challenging pace. I will also include a time to exercise in the day, which will be at 9 am on the weekdays and on the weekends, 2pm.
According to Physical Activity Super tracker (2012), it states that the only goal that I have established is my physical activity goal, but my goal is to establish physical activity for approxiamitaly150 min per week, and by doing so I am going to do moderate or vigorous activity. The goal that I have not established is my calories but by mastering my goal I am going to stay within my personal calorie