The 4th amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and sets out requirements for a search warrant based on probable cause as determined by a neutral judge or magistrate. What does this mean?
I am going to tell you. If you were to be suspected of having something illegal or stolen on your person, the police cannot search you without probable cause and a search warrant. They could not enter your house or your vehicle without your permission or permission from a jury with a warrant. It states that arrest cannot be made without probable cause or a warrant by a jury. By including that, police cannot arrest someone simply because they are racist towards a certain race, or because they do not like that person. It will let citizens feel safe and protected, unless they have illegal or stolen items. It will also eliminate false charges and unnecessary searches and polices cases. The 4th Amendment will impact our nation by increasing the overall sense of safety and privacy to citizens, which is extremely important in keeping our country peaceful and united.
The 5th amendment protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel. By protecting the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, the idea “Innocent until proven guilty” is protected. No one will be put in jail