The gospels were formed in three stages, the first stage of the formation of the Gospels is the teachings and preachings done by Jesus, in 30 - 33 AD, the second is the Oral Tradition, between 33 - 70 AD and the third is the Gospels being recorded and written down, in 70 AD to 100 AD. The First stage of the Gospels being formed is the preaching’s and teachings done by Jesus. Jesus travelled talking, teachings, performing miraculous and even healing people. These events later became …show more content…
Samaritans were people who were strict believers in God, just like Jews were. However, the Samaritans were not as strict to the laws of Judaism and because they were partly established by pagans, they were known as “half-breeds”, half Jewish and half Gentile. The Samaritans were hated by most Jews and were considered outcasts and were looked down upon. The message of the parable of the Good Samaritan is to help those who need help, even if you may not like the person or if the person does not like you or even somebody that we do not know. By using the Samaritans as an example in the parable of the Good Samaritans it really does show this message because it shows that if a Samaritan is able to help a man, then why others help those in need. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus mentions “ a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.” This relates back to the world that Jesus was born into because road from Jerusalem to Jericho was know as being a dangerous road, so the man being robbed and left for dead was quite commonly know to happen on this road. This road was also commonly known to be the route that traders took, which means that the Samaritan in this …show more content…
This message can be seen and carried out in many different ways in our lives today. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, it points out that people with different ethnicities or religions also count as thy neighbour. In the Good Samaritan Jesus was challenging people to help those who are different ethnicity to their own, this can be seen by the Samaritan helping the Jewish man. An example of this in today's world is helping out refugees. By caring and praying for refugees, especially those in the Middle East such as Syria we are able to follow the meaning of the Good Samaritan because despite the differences in Ethics and even religious differences, we can care for those would need help just as the Samaritan cared for the man. For me, personally I believe that the message of the Good Samaritan can be done in my life through making an effort to care and help anyone who needs help. For me the parable of the good Samaritan is easy way to understand how helping somebody out, can help to make the world a better place, it shows me that it is not how big an act of kindness is but it is the fact that you’ve done it that counts. In society, the good samaritan is still used as an example today to show someone who is doing or done something good . Often you hear people saying that someone who has done a good