The holocaust was an attempt by the German Nazis during World War II to commit genocide of the Jewish population in Europe. During the holocaust the Nazi party had killed 6 million jews by the end of the holocaust. While the jewish people were in the concentration camps that weren't given anything to eat but were given long work hours. The Nazis and the rest of Germany thought that jews were the reason to the country's poverty. Also jews were treated horribly during these rough and cruel 12 years.…
The Holocaust was the murdering of millions of jews and others by the nazis amid World War II. It was a genocide in which roughly 6 million jews were murdered by Adolf Hitler. The…
The 6 stages of the holocaust are definition, isolation, emigration, ghettoization, deportation, along with mass murder. The first stage is definition, so the Jews got defined by the star on them defining if they were a Jew or not. Also, they put up propaganda posters everywhere to make the Jews look bad. The second stage is isolation, which made the Jews, poor because the Germans were taking the Jew’s businesses moreover make them poor. Additionally, the Germans stopped being friends with the Jews because of all the propaganda posters, showing that the Jews are bad they didn’t want to be around them anymore.…
The Holocaust, which took place in Germany through 1933 to 1945, was a genocide lead by the National Socialist German Workers Party. National meaning nation is highest loyalty, Socialist meaning government distributes wealth in a equal matter, German shows Hitler's way of who a “real” german is, Workers want to appeal to everyone. Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazis, he wanted a society with only blue eyed, blonde hair, and fair skin people or the “Aryans”. Hitler's ideas foreshadowed a total destruction of everyone who did not fit his society. Hitler plans include a fascist form of government, which meant the government is focused on an individual it is a form of dictatorship. Hitler's plans made power on the economic industry, hitler created a widespread middle class. He mainly targeted the Jewish population and the gypsies. The Nazi’s mainly used concentration camps to kill huge groups of Jews. The holocaust is thought to have left around 10 million people died out of that 6 million were Jews. Although Hitler is most often blamed for the Holocaust, many other people and groups were responsible for the atrocities, such as: President Woodrow Wilson and The Treaty of Versailles, Nazi soldiers, German citizens, and allied country’s leaders, because they supported Hitler.…
To begin, the Holocaust, which took place from 1933 to 1945, was when Adolf Hitler created the Nazi Party and took over much of Europe by persecuting Jews and anyone else who went against his ideas. His goal was to create the perfect race where everyone’s attributes consisted of blonde hair, blue eyes, and a magnificent physique. The reason for Hitler’s success was his amazing persuasion skills, which caused those who heard his messages or tirades to be instantly instilled with fear. For example, in his book, Mein Kampf, he wrote, “since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him…Here he stops at…
In the short time frame of about 6 years around 6 million Jews were murdered in a horrible event called the holocaust. The holocaust was an event lead by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party from 1933 to 1945. It is the reason for the mass genocide of European Jews and many other European people. The Nazis targeted the Jews, Russians, Catholics, Communists, and many other European places because they believed that only people of pure European blood should live and the Jews were the cause of the Great…
The Holocaust was a systematic murder of over 6 million Jews by the Nazi’s during World War II. In 1933, the Nazi’s came to power in Germany and believed that they were “racially superior” over all Jews. By 1945, two out of three…
"Nuremberg Laws": first anti-Jewish racial laws enacted; Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag.…
The Holocaust was the methodical persecution and murder of Jews, carried out by the Nazi regime. In 1933 the Nazis came into power in Germany. Hitler had wanted to create a master race of the Aryan race. They had the belief that they were racially superior to Jews and that they were a threat to their race. But other groups were also deemed inferior, including the Roma, homosexuals and physically disabled. Hitler wanted to exterminate theses groups so he slowly implemented the “final solution”. The Nazi regime began to open forced labor camps and other acts against the Jews as well. Although Jews were mainly targeted there were various other groups that were persecuted as well, such as the Roma, homosexuals and physically/mentally disabled.…
The Holocaust was the method and routine of subjugate and murder of six million Jewish people by the Nazi Government and its collaborators. It took place in Germany from 1933-1945. There was a total number of 6 million Jewish people who were killed and other groups such as Gypsies, Poles, Slaves, and Blacks. Some others that were killed were homosexuals, disabled, elderly, communists, and jehovah's witnesses. As a total there were 10 million people killed. HItler and the Nazis had the power in the holocaust. They got the power while the country was going through a lot of economical problems . It was used to tell jews what they can and cannot do. The holocaust happened because of all the history that the two had between each other.…
The first areas that we look at that were prevalent and were used to lay the foundation during the holocaust were those of racism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism. Racism can be defined as a “prejudice and discrimination on a basis of race”, and prejudice can be defined as an “attitude or prejudging, usually in a negative way” (Henslin, J., 2014). Finally anti-Semitism is a “prejudice, discrimination, and persecution directed against the Jews” (Henslin, J., 2014). The leaders of the Nazi party used all of these elements (racism, prejudice, and anti-Semitism) in the 1930’s to come to power by uniting the German people in a common cause and that was to purge Germany and ultimately the world of what was keeping Germany from being great and that was seen as the Jewish…
The Holocaust has been put down as one of the most awful and horrifying events in world history. It is impossible for someone to understand and see what the victims of the Holocaust had to go through. Millions of people died because someone couldn't see past the outer shell of a person and judged them because of who they were. That person was Adolf Hitler. He brain washed tons of people into agreeing in his opinion. He wanted the “perfect” race and would kill anyone in the way of his wish, like Jews, Gypsies, Poles, and people with physical or mental disabilities. He put innocent people through the absolute worst conditions and had no mercy.…
The Holocaust, also referred to as “The Final Solution”, is considered to be one of the most deadly and extensive forms of genocide in American history. Genocide is, “the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political or cultural group (” Hitler and his army, the Nazis, quickly rose to power between 1941 and 1945. They targeted many different races out of hatred, and the largest group being the Jewish population. This massive catastrophe resulted in the death of about 17 million people and six million Jews.…
The Holocaust is simply one of the most terrible and horrific crimes against humanity of all time.It stripped so many innocent people of their rights as human beings and put them through some of the most awful and indescribable things that most people could not even begin to imagine. Adolf Hitler tried to create a pure Aryan race, so he decided that all jews, mentally ill, gypsies, and also non supporters of Nazi ideas, should be eliminated from the German population.He carried out his goal by using a very systematic plan. One of his main methods of "doing away" with these people was through the use of concentration camps. In a meeting in January 1941 Hitler, along with some of his top officials decided on a plan that was called the "final…
The holocaust was a time of great sorrow for the Jews and other religious groups. The Nazis, along with German armies were responsible for the starting of this horrific event which was one of the most tragic events in history.…