360 degree feedback, also known as multi-source feedback, was defined by Ward (1997) as "the systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group derived from a number of the stakeholders on their performance". Different authors view, who propose definitions of the 360 degree feedback process. “Feedback from multiple sources or ‘360 degree feedback’ is a performance appraisal approach that relies on the input of an employee’s superiors, colleagues, subordinates, sometimes customers, suppliers and/or spouses” (Yukl and Lepsinger, 1995). The 360 degree evaluation can help one person be rated from different sides, different people which can give the wider prospective of the employee’s competencies (Shrestha, 2007). It is a process in which someone 's performance is assessed and feedback is given by a number of people, who may include their manager, subordinates, colleagues and customers. Assessments take the form of rating against various performance dimensions.
360 degree feedback is a tool that gives managers a clear picture of their performance at workplace. Different opinions are gathered from the manager, their staff and their pair being assessed. All views are grouped together to form the clear picture. To accomplish this opinions are express by completion of a questionnaire incorporating different aspects of expected performance factors. Research conducted by Handy, Devine and Heath (1996) found that typically, 360 degree feedback forms part of a self-development or management development program. 2. 360 Degree feedback and appraisal
An important issue to be addressed in development a 360 degree feedback system is whether it should be used purely for development purpose(i.e. identifying learning and development) or whether it should be also or mainly used as part of the appraisal process(contributing to overall ratings and decision on promotion, succession
References: * Armstrong, Michael. 2009. Armstrong 's handbook of performance management: An evidence-based guide to delivering high performance. 4th Edition. London, UK * Bailey, C and Fletcher, C * Feedback Project. 2001. 360-Degree Feedback: Best practice guidelines, University of Surrey, Roehampton * Handy, L, Devine, M and Health, L * Ward, P. 1997. 360-Degree Feedback, Institution of Personnel and Development, London * Warr, P and Ainsworth, E * Wimer,Scott and Nowack, Kenneth M. 2006. 13 Common Mistakes. Optima360. http://www.360degreefeedback.net/media/13CommonMistakes.pdf * Yukl, G and Lepsinger, R