When this student works with the team, is he exhibiting leadership qualities in the role that he is playing?
If yes, can you provide examples of how he contributes positively through his leadership?
If not, how can the student improve his leadership skills?
How would you rate him for his leadership skills on a scale of ten?
Problem Solving:
Is this student able to solve problems effectively under any given circumstances?
If yes, what skills did he demonstrate in solving problems and arriving at solutions and improvements?
If less than proficient in problem solving, in what areas of problem solving would you recommend that the student work to improve his skills?
Is the student able to solve the problems and arrive at the best solution within the given time frame?
Interpersonal skills:
What interpersonal skills does he demonstrate when he is in the team?
How would you recommend that the student improve his interpersonal and relationship-building skills?
Have you experienced any problem with him interpersonally?
Is the student efficient in his approach to accomplish his work in team effective, efficient, and continuously improving?
If no, suggest areas of improvements that would help him accomplish his work more effectively?
If yes, can you provide examples of situations wherein he displayed his efficiency to accomplish his work in a timely manner?
Is the efficiency of this student improved from the past few months?
Is the student motivated by his team-related tasks and relationships?
Have you experienced any difficulties with the level of the student’s motivation?
How does the student demonstrate that he is motivated and committed to success in the Team?
Does this student motivate his subordinates effectively?