Introduction of 3D movie
❖ The first 3D feature film was “The power of love” in 1922*
- Using the "anaglyph process" where scenes are printed in 2 different colors and viewed by special glasses.
- Anaglyph : When you put together anaglyph images and play them in sequence, you have an anaglyph 3D movie. To use anaglyph 3D you need a pair of anaglyph glasses. These glasses have a different color for each eye, allowing each eye to receive different images. Each image is made to mimic the angles of each eye, giving a perception of depth. Most common are red and cyan glasses. paragraph 2
❖ Converted 2D to 3D *
- 1camera, - graphic artists separate each frame into up to 8 different layers of depth, - a computer generates a 2nd image that is slight offset, -costs $100,000 per minute
- 2011: 21 movies
- Avatar, Tron Legacy, Toy story 3. The Hobbit, The adventures of Tinin
❖ Filmed in 3D *
- 2 different cameras one for the left and one for the right images, - cameras set at a distance that resembles the distance between your eyes
- 2011: 29 movies
- - Piranha 3D, Alice in wonderland, Clash of the Titans, The last Airbender, Harry Porter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
- See the middle part of diagram
- 3D filmed theory: Today’s 3D cameras use two lenses to capture two sets of images, but instead of colored filters, the images are differentiated by vertical and horizontal or opposing diagonal polarization. The movies are projected using a standard projector with a special lens that projects the two polarizations used. Viewers still have to wear special glasses, but they are no longer colored. The lenses filter each of the differently-polarized images to each eye, producing the