3. Changes in the Threat to the United States 12 3 New International Environment after the Cold War 12 3 Significant Events in International Relations Representing the Threat to the United States 14
4. Practical Part 20 4 Corpus under Investigation and Methods of Analysis 20 4 General Comparison of the Rhetorical Styles of George W. Bush
and Barack Obama 22
4 Basic parameters 22 4 Analysis of keywords 28 4 Significant Aspects in the Speeches of George W. Bush and Barack
Obama 34
4 Rhetorical style of George W. Bush and the perception of threat 34 4 Bush's Inaugural Address 34 4 Bush's 9/11 Address 37 4 Bush's UN Address 39 4 Bush's State of the Union Address 42
4 Rhetorical style of Barack Obama and the perception of threat 49 5 Obama's Inaugural Address 49 6 Obama's 9/11 Address 51 7 Obama's UN Address 52 4 Obama's State of the Union Address 56 4 Comparison of Threat Perception by George W. Bush and Barack
Obama 59
4 Threat perception in the speeches of George W. Bush 59 4 Threat perception in the speeches of Barack Obama 62 4 Common characteristics 64 4 Different characteristics 65
5. Conclusion 69 6. Abstract 72 7. References 73 8. Appendices 75 A. Speeches of G. W. Bush 75 B. Speeches of Barack Obama 96 1 Introduction
Since the time the first languages have been created, language has been the most important