A narrow escape from trouble
What I’ve broken or lost that belongs to someone else
My first friend
A visit to a relative’s house
My chores
When I was lost
My idea of a fun weekend
A school field trip
I’ve done something no one else has done.
If only I would have listened!
My favorite neighbor
A memorable bus ride
My best class ever
My first concert
If I could be someone else, I would be
The most fun I’ve had recently
What’s good about hard work?
Why parents should be honest with their kids
My participation in an outside-of-school activity
How I picture myself four years from now
Summer in a cabin by a lake
We couldn’t stop laughing!
We got caught!
A toy, stuffed animal, or game that once meant a lot to me
The book that got me hooked on reading
One thing I want to do by the time I finish 8th grade
The hardest thing I’ve ever done
My first encounter with a bully
The toys I’ll never give up
A friend who moved away
I couldn’t believe that my mother volunteered me for that job.
Putting my foot in my mouth
Who knows me best?
What do I worry about?
My muscles were so sore after . . “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
An unforgettable dream
My worst vacation
Coping with brothers and sisters
A typical evening at home
Morning madness
When I was a discipline problem
A meaningful gift I’ve given or received
We all make mistakes.
My brother (or sister) made me so mad!
Hanging out
Something this school really needs is . . .
I take some things too seriously.
What do I do to break routine?
Why appearance is not so important
How I express myself artistically
Is this love?
Why are some people so cruel?
What animals can teach humans
Sometimes, adults seem . . .
The idea hit me like a tornado.