Answer the following questions completely. Refer to the book Software
Engineering by Roger Pressman.
4.1. Since a focus on quality demands resources and time, is it possible to be agile and still maintain a quality focus?
Yes, it can be done. Time management and schedule of the team for them to meet the deadline is crucial, Simplicity and accuracy in making the product is sufficient to meet the customers need.
4.2. Of the eight core principles that guide process (discussed in Section 4.2.1), which do you believe is most important?
Build an effective team, Software engineering process and practice are important, but the bottom line is people. They are the one who will build and establish the project …show more content…
4.10. Why are models important in software engineering work? Are they always necessary? Are there qualifiers to your answer about necessity?
Models are important to software engineering for the same reason they are a necessity. A program is a model. Even at the assembly level programming is constructing a model. Variables, instructions, memory these are all words that aren't anything real in any conventional sense. The reason modeling is at the heart of both math and software engineering is that modeling is the way we poor humans deal with complexity. Modeling helps us reduce, modeling helps us understand. Domain capturing is perhaps one of the hardest parts of the engineering process and at its heart it is domain understanding. For that you need models. So software engineering is about models. Models for us, and for the machines we work with.
4.11. What three “domains” are considered during requirements modeling?
- Information Domain
- Functional Domain
- Behavioral Domain
4.12. Try to add one additional principle to those stated for coding in Section4.3.4.
Before writing the code
Make sure to understand the user’s concept in making your program,