Many things happen after the tragedy that leads to the gradual decline and loss of control in Andy’s life. Andy has agreed to continue his sessions at a therapist’s office. These are to help him open up and get him back to normal as much as possible to move on from the accident. However, after a while he fools the therapist and his parents and teachers into believing that he is finally moving on from the accident. He doesn't hang out with his friends much anymore, and when he does he doesn't talk much about anything. After his break up with Keisha, he moves on past her and doesn't feel the need to talk to her anymore. His family and friends cannot help Andy, because he closes up with his friends and makes his parents think he is getting better and does not say anything to…
Kaplan, throughout “Doe Season” portrays Andy figuring out whether she wants to be Andy or Andrea. The question is asked by Charlie after he says “That’s what the woods are all about, anyway”(QUOTE) referencing that the woods are a place to get away from women. Upon being asked who she wants to be. Throughout the hunting trip she is bullied by Charlie and Mac for being there with them. They believe that hunting is not for women and she does not belong there as well as it being a mistake that she went. Her relationships with both of them consist of her trying to prove herself that she can be one of them. She tries to do everything her father does but once she has to shoot the doe, she struggles. During the moment when she has to take the shot she starts to realize that she…
In the chapter “Female Frustration,” Keisha explains about she and Andy went to the mall and Andy started to get sad. He remembered all the memories that he and Robbie have had when they would fool around in the mall. Keisha was prevailing because she at least tried to distract Andy to go out and have fun, yet Andy is impacted by depression so it’s hard for him to prevail. Andy can overcome these problems by talking it out with someone, or he should try to think positive and look on the brightside of life. Also, Andy shouldn’t over thinking, it can lead to so many miseries.…
In adolescence the major sexual act is masturbation. Adolescents use petting as a pathway to obtaining sexual satisfaction without the possibility of pregnancy or ending their virgin status. Premarital sex has increased mostly in females and very few adolescents report their sexual experience with individuals of the same sex. These encounters have been known to be transitory for the adolescent. Gay adolescents have a much harder time because of stigmatization of…
His personality changes and He begins to rebel against his parents and teachers, often disobeying his or her orders and acting out against them. Andy begins to become mischievous in school, setting of fireworks in his math class, not completing his assignments for English Class, and despite the encouragement from his teachers and the orders from his psychologist and parents, his behavior does not change, resulting in his grades to slip. Another reason why Andy is qualified for the Hall of Shame is because of his deception of his teachers, parents and his psychologist. He is successful in tricking most of the people who he is a associated with into thinking that he is no longer depressed and regretting his actions that caused the accident. The only person who he truly shows his emotions to is his girlfriend, Keisha, where he regularly has mood swings in her presence. Since he is not confronted about his mood swings because he is able to deceive most of the people in his life, He is never able to recover from the accident which eventually results in him committing…
Most of the bias and discrimination toward human sexuality are based from religious perspective that pre-marital sex is sinful and disgraced. In fact, it claims that people should stick to abstinence because it is commonly believed by the majority that sex is dirty and perverted and it is definitely not for adolescents because they are simply not mentally ready for it. Some religious institutions even hold ceremonies such as virginity pledge to prevent teenagers engaging in sexual activities by binding them with religion and morals. Many people in America, especially parents, believe that the one and only solution to adolescence sexuality is to not talk about or not to be open about it. However, it would not stop the adolescents from violating the “taboos” and being curious. According to the film, 70% of American teens have had sexual experiences and…
To avoid these emotional issues, Andy creates distances between himself and others. This is seen in his relationship with Anna, where she has been left confused as to whether or not Andy loves her. It is not until Anna reveals her pregnancy, where we learn that his sudden change of attitude towards Anna is mainly due to his fear of failing in a relationship all over again, "Anna, relationships just don't work out when they start out like this," and that he doesn't want to experience "all this crap again". Clearly, Andy's attitude towards facing his troubles in life illustrates that the past history of a person may affect the way they deal with problems that arise. Moreover, previous experiences may also impact on an individual's ability to honestly express their feelings with others…
The treatment of “Boys Don't Cry” highlights the slant against homosexuality. In the romantic comedy “Pretty Woman” and the family-friendly film “Ghostbusters,” leading male characters–Richard Gere in “Pretty Woman” and Dan Aykroyd in “Ghostbusters”–receive oral sex from females (albeit, a poltergeist female in “Ghostbusters”) yet only earn an R and PG rating, respectively.…
Another major symbol is the doe that Andy kills, which represents her innocence. When she shoots and kills the doe, Andy feels she has lost that innocence. Death made her realize that nothing is forever and we are constantly changing. The guilt Andy feels for killing the doe has a significant impact on her realization to becoming a women. She has a dream that night where the doe comes back to her and lets her touch the wound. “In pain, Andy tried to remove her hand, but the wound closed about it and held her fast. Her hand was burning” (479). This pain is the guilt Andy feels for killing the deer. The loss of innocence, death, and guilt she feels for killing the doe leads up to Andy’s realization of womanhood.…
Masters, N., Casey, E., Wells, E. A., & Morrison, D. M. (2013). Sexual Scripts among Young Heterosexually Active Men and Women: Continuity and Change. Journal Of Sex Research, 50(5), 409-420.…
As a child from the beginning we are told that we can be whatever we want, an astronaut, a doctor, a teacher. Why is it that we are then as we age shamed for becoming who we are? I believe society needs to make some drastic shifts both in legalities in attitudes to make this “American dream” a reality whether that be to become transgender, sexually active, thin or not. All should be given the right to choose, then have equality and protection in whatever decision made, if we can educate and enlighten our society we can create a culture were all can feel safe in being who they are.…
Another alternative to ending his life so abruptly was he could have confided in his therapist. It is his therapists job to try and get Andy to open up and to try to release some grief. Although he shares some problems with his therapist, he could have tried to open up more about what he was truly feeling. In one of the their conversations, his therapist tells Andy, “seriously, Andy, I want you to call me at anytime if you need me, you hear?” (pg.47)This shows how his therapist truly cares about him but Andy never took up his offer until it was too late.…
Teens did not know their own bodies. There were little factual resources that teenagers can depend. Few choices left for them, teenagers were guided along high risk actions. Abstinence was the approved option by parents, as it teaches teens to not be sexually active but not on protection or STDS. Another path is exploration on their own means. Exploration was dangerous, because teenagers were unaware of the consequences. Both options plunged teens’ health into a abyss. Then around 1980s, media started to reach towards the topic of sexual activity in teenagers. Many teen movies brushed against the topic about sexual activity and gave more positive responses than usual. Now, there is a rapid increase in sexual activity amongst teens. Due to this rise of sexually active teens, sexual health programs in high schools need to be updated to accommodate this change. High schools need to avoid only abstinence learning and implemented new programs for…
The first element of the Three-fold virginity of Mary entails her virginity after the conception of Jesus. The first clue, in accounting for her virginity, comes in the form of her discussion with an angel. The angel says, “And the holy child that will be born of you is the Son of the Most High. And you shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins." This passage shows that Mary was untouched by a man, but that she is to carry the Lord’s child. Another form of evidence of Mary’s virginity while pregnant with Jesus has, once again, to do with an angel. Joseph, having seen Mary’s impregnated stomach and believing her to no longer be a virgin, is approached by an angel whom explains that the child is of the Holy Spirit. Making all doubts of her virginity vanish from Joseph’s mind. Perhaps the most influential piece of evidence, supporting Mary’s virginity, is when Mary and Joseph are called to the priest. They both deny intimacy, claiming they are pure when it comes to one another, and in Mary’s case, pure all together. The priest chooses to investigate their claims and tests them, forcing both to consume the water of bitterness, which is a form of poison. When both Mary and Joseph return, the priest states, “If the Lord God has not made your sin manifest, neither do I condemn you." Allowing them to leave, with…
The importance of an early experience is evidently illustrated by Freud’s development theory of psychosexual development.…