The Third-Generation (3G) wireless technologies offer wireless web, SMS, MMS, EDGE, WCDMA, GPRS etc. 4G is a packet switched technology, uses bandwidth much more efficiently, allowing each user 's packets to compete for available bandwidth. It solves the non-standardization problems associated with 3G. Data transfer rate will be 20 to 100 Mbps, which is 10 to 50 times than 3G and 10-20 times faster than ADSL. Operating frequency range will be 3 to 10 GHz and the IPv6 protocol will be used. In this paper, fundamentals of 4G and their various proposed architectures are explained. In India it can be used to network rural and urban areas, reduce cost of communication, flourish educational activities, facilitate research and development, faster internet connectivity, more cellular options, real time information systems, crisis management, Tele-medicines and many more. The present 3G networks need not to be discarded, and can be used in conjunction with 4G technology. There are various architectures proposed that can be used to deploy 4G.
4G Wireless Networks
1. Introduction
The fourth-generation wireless (4G) technology implements designs that will take the wireless telecommunication industry beyond 2010. The infrastructure of the 4G will function on top of the current existing CDMA, GSM and TDMA. It extends the 3G capabilities These technical opportunities strengthen the user mobility and encourage the deployment of the mobile technologies for the development of various (mobile) applications providing information, orientation (routing) and other helpful services.
It will deliver superior quality video and data, in addition to voice. It also solves the non-standardization problems associated with 3G networks for voice, video and data transmission. The data transfer rate is 20 to 100 Mbps, which will be 10 to 50 times those offered by 3G links and 10-20 times faster than standard ADSL
References: • International forums on 4G mobile, By : Lucant technologies, bell labs innovations • Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Telecooperation (SIT) August 02. [bayarou|rohr] • Information Raining for Mobile Hotspots in 4G Wireless Networks : Shahrokh Valaee , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Email: