The researchers are responsible in understanding creating a system for VC. Planning to take VC online billing system as the center of our study. The researchers knew about the problem of VC system for an Exclusive Golf and Country Club (EGCC) and the gentlemen club (GC). The researchers decided to make an online billing system (VC). The researchers study the company manual processing for the reason that their company is new to this technology and the researchers’ study have a lot to be shared in giving a convenience in the part of the manager/ owner and the accounting department. As a respond to the problem of making their daily transactions ease to calculate and manipulate data that has been stored in the database and ease to calculate the bills of the members and minimizing the possible of miscalculation of their members bill. The researchers’ has the following solutions to Video club. * Data Gathering
Is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data.
It is a must and a need for a researcher to understand the company’s expectations, feedbacks and needs that can enhance their business.
The researchers started gathering information by conducting individual interview questions to the specific personnel about the video club system to have more resources and ideas to be implemented in the research. Personnel discussed about the nature of the business and how it work without the help of software that can hasten her difficulties. Personnel also discussed that the online billing system was not yet implemented in the company. Librarian manually inputs the data in Microsoft Excel and it’s hard for the librarian to retrieve some data transactions that have been done.
5.2 System objectives
5.2.1General Objectives
After planning and gathering of information, the researchers analyze on how much will it likely to cost in creating the online billing system including the computer applications necessity. The