I. Introduction
Cenorship should be in books
Body Part 1
II. Counterclaim
A. Present counter point A
B. Refute counter point A (MLA citation here)
C. Present counter point B
D. Refute counter point B (MLA citation here)
A. Cenorship can also hold back a child from reading more advanced books B. They don 't want their children reading innappropriate books
C. There are some advanced books that aren 't innappropriate conent.
D. Parents may feel uncomfortale talking to their children about innappropriate content that they read about or heard about
Body Part 2
III. Claim
A. Present point A
B. Support point A
(MLA citation here)
C. Present point B
D. Support point B
(MLA citation here)
A. Book should have cenorship
B. Certain ages shouldn 't be reading books above their reading level because it may contain innappropriate language or images that can be disturbing to young children. B.Like there is explicit or parental advisory on music it should be the same for books
C. If the parents are okay with their child reading inappropriate books that are above their reading level they can do that at home because other parents might not like their child hearing or reading about inapproriate situations.
IV. Conclusion
Although having a child read a higher grade level once they sucessfully finish reading their grade level is great for their education thier should be cenorship instead of just banning the books completely Works Cited
V. Works Cited
Use or one of the other sites listed in this unit to create citations for the sources you used to support your claim and refute your counterclaim. Here is a sample:
"5.05 Works Cited." English I V12: 3642. Florida Virtual Schools, 03 Feb. 2013. Web. 08 May 2013.
Cited: " English I V12: 3642. Florida Virtual Schools, 03 Feb. 2013. Web. 08 May 2013.