1. Revenue: Revenue contribution is critical to the short-term success of the corporation. It is important that each Field professional view themselves as critical to the attainment of the corporation's revenue goals. Every individual on the team is a salesperson, and should make significant contributions to product, professional services, and/or customer support revenue. This requires an intense focus on achieving team quota and objectives for the proper revenue mix between prodcuts & services.
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Customer Success: Customer Success is critical to the long-term success of the corporation. It is important that each Field professional take personal responsibility for ensuring the success of our customers. Customer success means much more than customer satisfaction; the later traditionally implies that the customer is satisfied that the product or service meets with vendor specifications and customer expectations irrespective of what value that product or service gave to the customer. Customer success means that the products and services that the firm have supplied have significantly helped that customer to implement the changes they wanted and needed and that they know the value provided has helped them be successful, within the customer's view of success. This does not mean that we did their job for them; this means that we have provided maximum leverage with our products and services, and have successfully transferred the needed technologies to the customer, allowing them to meet their goals without over committing our
3. Territory Development: Territory Development is critical to the growth of the corporation. It is important that each Field professional seek to expand the corporation's influence in the market place. More specifically, this means that through the individual's contributions the account team have grown their business based in the territory through new accounts and/or new projects within an account that can deliver significant revenue within a fiscal year as well as over a several year period. The true measure of successful territory development is that the team grows that territory to the point where there is more business than one team can handle, with the need to split it and start up a new team.
4. Team Contribution: Team Contribution is critical to the functioning of the team. Because of the nature of our products and services, it is important that each Field professional view themselves as an integral part of a team not as a soldier of fortune. This would include what the individual has done to improve himself/herself and the team both in technical and business terms how the individual has handled team issues to bring positive results, how the individual has pitched in over and above their normal role to solve tough customer/team issues, and how the team has benefited short and long term in its ability to exceed objectives by the contributions made. Note that this does not just mean contribution to the account team, which is important. Contributions must also be made in a broader sense of the corporation - account teams, other teams, product teams in the business units, customer support teams, etc.
5. Business Basics: Business Basics is critical to the profitability and the reputation of the firm. It is important that each Field professional takes responsibility for profitability as well as revenue. This means that you must be prudent with your expenses, manage your time efficiently, positively affect team efficiency. Businees basics is also about business ethics e.g. clean deals.