
5 Degrees of Separation.

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5 Degrees of Separation.
5 Degrees of Separation.

1. The Daily Routine. Back then, its been the normal routine for you to text your ex at any point of the day. To wait for them after school and hangout together before you go home. And now that you’re not together anymore, your daily routine kind of falls out of place. Coping with that is not easy.

2. The Little Things. Who could’ve forgot those things you did together so easily? The dates. The holding hands. The going outs on a Sunday morning. The sweet messages. The cheek kisses and hugs. Those things which make you love them even more. And once they come back to you in a flashback, it’ll hit the weakest part of you, your heart.

3. Unexpected Meetings. Of course, you’re trying to avoid your ex. So you’re doing every possible way for your paths not to crossed again. But chances are, fate has its own little way of making you two met on the most unexpected moment. And that what makes everything complicated. Now, the improvements you had in yourself will soar down and you’ll start at zero again.

4. Unraveling of Memories. And the worsr part of it all is remembering those memories you had in the past on a silent night. That’s the time when you really can’t sleep easily because what you had in mind were haunting you, preventing you to sleep.

5. Seeing them with someone else. Well, you can’t help but be happy for them. Though deep inside, you really can’t do that, because c’mon, that’s the last thing on your mind. But you have no choice but to watch them as they continue their life, without you in it.


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