By Ray Subs
Dec 31, 2008
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be happy? Not just giddy, not just joyful, but truly, deeply happy? As sad as it may seem, for a huge percentage of the population finding happiness is little more than a distant dream they take out to play with every once in a while, but never truly achieve-not for lack of trying, but because the lies they've heard from their friends, their family, their co-workers and the media about the path to finding happiness have them traveling in the wrong direction.
If you're serious about finding the kind of happiness that lasts for a lifetime, you have to first untangle the myths you've been told about happiness since childhood to find …show more content…
Your family is not the key to your happiness. Although your relationship with your family plays an integral role in the satisfaction you have with your day to day life, that usually has a more tangible reason-such as, when you have a strong, stable family your ex-wife isn't calling you up to complain all day long! Broken families are a result of unhappiness, not a reason. When you have succeeded in finding happiness, deep in your soul, then you will have happiness in other areas of your life as well.
4. Happiness is a state of mind. If you can convince yourself that you're happy, you will be happy. Well, yes-and no. Anyone who is sick to their soul will have a very difficult time convincing themselves that they're anything other than miserable, and with good reason-they are miserable! Finding happiness is a state of mind, but more importantly, it's a state of soul. If your soul's not in it, you're not going to get it-and that's the bottom …show more content…
You can make yourself happy. If the truth to this lie came out the pharmaceutical industry would lose millions in the sale of antidepressants, so it's easy to understand why they're keeping a lid on it! It doesn't matter how many little happy pills you pop, self-medication isn't the answer to finding happiness. Neither is throwing yourself whole-heartedly into your career, your life, your family, your pursuit of wealth or a life full of drugs, sex and rock 'n roll. When it's all said and done, you're still going to be just as miserable as you were when you