Management is the concept of getting work done through others. This concept began evolving in the 1880’s from being ideas and practices into a field of study. In Chuck Williams’ recent edition of “Management”, he establishes that there were several instrumental influences on the paradigm shift in the field of management. Those parties include but are not limited to, Fredrick Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt, and Henri Fayol. These parties developed and engineered complimentary principles, ideas, and tools of management, which have been given significant credit in the foundation of management as a field of study.
Using the parties listed above as a foundation for my research I have determined that there are five management principles or concepts for which I believe will help me become a more effective individual in my future career endeavors. * Diversity * Recruiting * Team Effectiveness * Leader-member relations * Equity Theory
Understanding these five principles of management and using them effectively can help an organization accomplish its goals, while also providing one with the knowledge it takes to achieve a successful career in management. We will explore each of these principles and concepts in depth to establish the ways by which each are important and how learning these principles or concepts will help in becoming a more effective individual.
Managing diversity in the workplace by creating a positive work environment where no one is advantaged, disadvantaged, or discriminated against is a key fundamental element that all organizations should look to achieve. Diversity training and practices within an organization can establish an awareness of surface-level stereotyping that employees may have toward their co-workers which is referred to as awareness training. Training can also establish awareness in the area of differences in personality, negotiation, problem solving, and
References: WILLIAMS, C. (2011). Management. Mason, OH: Cengage.