1. scene survey/ ABCDE’s
A. scene survey
a. location
b. clues at scene
c. weather
d. time of day
e. patient position
f. determine MOI or nature of illness
g. consider back up
h. Anything about the patient that jumps out at you!
i. Age, sex/Wt.
Walk up to patient introduce yourself and check for pulse. Determine the C/C
C-spine if any suspected trauma or injuries r/o later if not needed
a. Airway-determine if the airway is open if closed open with head tilt chin lift or in trauma jaw trust maneuver. If the patient is alert and responsive the airway is patent. Assess, intervene, reassess
b. Breathing- determines if breathing is adequate or inadequate (lung sounds, O2 sat). Asses breathing by looking listening and feeling for amount of air in/out (tidal volume, place hand on chest) and the rate of breathing. Look for any obvious signs such as JVD, apnea, nasal flaring, trachea tugging, outside the rate 8-24 adult and unequal movement. If adequate o2 therapy if not BVM. Assess, intervene, reassess.
c. Circulation-pulse; assess if there is a pulse or no pulse if no pulse in wrist (80mmHg) go to brachial (70mmHg) then carotid (60mmHg) determine the regularity and strength(EKG), possible major bleeding; control any arterial bleeding or venous bleeding by placing gloved hand and then getting pressure dressing, skin color: assessing color, temperature and condition, capillary refill (immediate2sec).assess, intervene, reassess
d. Disability- alert and orientation use AVPU or BRIM or Glasgow coma scale. What, where, when, how it occurred, recall event (AOX4), events leading to injury. Causes of ALOC AEIOUTIPS,
e. Expose, Examine, Environment- expose any life threating injuries or pertinent negatives (chest pain expose chest, abdominal pain expose abdomen etc...) examine for pertinent negatives (intercostals muscle use, abdominal rigidity, guarding, JVD etc…) consider environment affecting