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Case Study
Estimation of Cost Analysis for 500kW Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Plant:
A Case Study
Vinay Janardhan ShettyȦ* and Keerti KulkarniȦ
Electrical & Electronics, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunateshwar College of Engineering and Technology,Dharwad-India-580002
Accepted 20 May 2014, Available online 01 June 2014, Vol.4, No.3 (June 2014)
The depletion of conventional resources on a worldwide basis has necessitated an urgent search for alternative energy sources to meet up the present load demands. Solar energy is a clean, inexhaustible and environment-friendly potential resource among all renewable energy sources. But in the present scenario, there is a need of continuous supply of energy, which cannot be full filled alone by the grid. Therefore, in order to meet the load demand and increase the power generation, solar and other conventional conversion units are now being implemented as a Grid connected energy systems. The objective of this work is to estimate the cost analysis for 500kW grid connected solar photovoltaic plant and thereby have developed a system based on the potential estimations made for a chosen area of 10,1533m 2(present Builtup area). The specifications of the equipment are provided based on the availability of the component in India. Annual energy generation by proposed Grid connected SPV power plant is calculated.
Keywords: Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Energy, Energy Audit, Grid-Connected SPV system.
1. Introduction
Photovoltaic offer the consumers the ability to generate electricity in a clean, quiet and reliable way. Photovoltaic systems are comprised of photovoltaic cells, devices that converted light energy directly into electricity. It is anticipated that photovoltaic systems will experience an enormous increase in the decades to
References: Souvik Ganguli and Sunanda Sinha (29-30th Oct., 2009), A Study and Estimation of Grid Quality Solar A.S. Elhodeiby, H.M.B. Metwally and M.A. Farahat (1114 March 2011), Performance analysis of 3.6KW Rooftop grid connected photovoltaic system Egypt. International Conference on Energy Systems and Technologies, (ICEST 2011), Cairo, Egypt. D. Picault, B. Raison, and S. Bacha (2009.), Guidelines for evaluating grid connected PV system topologies Page(s): pp. 1-5 Phil Bolduc, David Lehmicke & Joseph Smith (1993), R. Ramkumar & J. E. Bigger (1993), Photovoltaic Systems 1861 | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.3 (June 2014)