It is the responsibility of all directors to inform their managers of all companies’ policies and procedures on order for the business to run according to how they want it to be run. It is also essential for directors to have good communication with their managers so that corrects methods of work procedures are put into effect. Good communication practice between the directors and their managers will ensure that the company is run smoothly and that the managers can then ensure that their line staff can work accordingly.
It is essential that managers communicate all essential information correctly to their line staff so that they can follow correct working procedures for the business to run effectively. It is the responsibility of the managers to communicate all information that their line staff require to ensure that all their tasks under their job requirements can be adhered to and to ensure that they have all resources to complete their jobs to a good and expected standard. It is also essential for managers to communicate with their directors if there any issues which can only be resolved by the directors or any pieces of information that they require for them to carry out their job correctly.
Care co-ordinators
It is essential that care co-ordinators follow their job role, listen to instructions and use the resources that have been provided to them by their directors and managers so that they can carry out their job roles effectively. It is then responsibility for the care co-ordinators to communicate all essential information to their line of staff which are senior carers and carers. In order for senior carers and carers to carry out their jobs to the expected standard it is essential for care co-ordinators to provide them with all the information they require to do this. It is also essential that the care
Co-ordinator communicate effectively with their