When the 503 regulations started, that would be the Clean Water Act of 1987.
When the U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) developed a new regulation of
Protecting public health and environment from adverse effects of certain pollutants that
might be present in sewage sludge. The standards for the use or disposal of sewage
sludge regulations was published in the federal register on February 19,1993 and
became effective on march 22,1993.
The part 503 rule establishes requirements for the final use or disposal of sewage
Sludge. When biosolids are applied to land to fertilize the soil for crops and vegetation
503 also indicates that if biosolids are placed in a municipal solids waste land field
The biosolids must meet the spec of pollution. The part 503 was made to protect
human health and environment from disease carrying pathogens and to make more
beneficial. 503 regulations are to keep from putting pathogenic or harmfull bacteria back in the
ground or streams we use. So before the solids are released it must first be treated to
pass EPA standards .
The 503 has 4 main subparts 1 EQ exceptional quality biosolids : these are biolsolids
That meet low-pollutants and class A pathogen reduction limits and have a reduced
level of vectors and can be gave away in small or big portion to anyone without a
Another is PC pollutant quality: it meets the same low pollutant as EQ
but not the pathogenic reduction these can only be apllied in bulk and have to be
managed occasionally. Most all biosolids used in the US are said to be EQ or PC biosolids
having low pollutant levels. The EPA expects that many municipalities will push to
produce more EQ and PC biosolids because the benefits and they do not have to be
tracked because the risk assessment has shown that the life of a site would be at least
100 to 300 years under the