Training Adviser Name: Annie Edwards
Learner Name: Laura Tolan
Witness Name and relationship to learner:
Setting: Date: 07/01/15
Unit Outcomes & Evidence
Outcome 2.4
Make recommendations to support referral processes
The commission for social care inspection in their national minimum standards publishes standards for each different setting within healthcare and managers and staff should be aware of the regulations for assessment and the updating of service users support and care plans.
The service user should and needs to be fully aware of the roles of each person involved in their care and it must be explained to the individual what the role of the person supporting them is. Staff need to make sure that:
The service users needs are being met as far as reasonably practicable.
Any information obtained from the client is relevant to meet their needs.
The information provided is coherent and meets the individual needs of the client.
Within the keyworker role, there may be times where you may be required to refer the client to another care professional, this can potentially mean a delay in treatment or service delivery. It may be the service has a waiting list or it may be that the way the referall system works is confusing for the individual.
Service users can often be referred without their input or having knowledge regarding the referral, therefore have no insight into the process or how long the process will take. This leads to increased dissatisfaction with the care being given and the service user is likely to be unhappy with this process. As a manager this can be prompted by initiating referral agreements. Therefore in the event that referals do need to be made between the partners delivering the care various actions can be taken:
Referral guidelines should be developed which define the conditions in the referral processes.
The partnership group