5EEG Online Task
What is meant by employee engagement?
The CIPD (2014) factsheet states that Employee Engagement is a concept that ‘is generally seen as an internal state of being – physical, mental and emotional – that brings together earlier concepts of work effort, organisational commitment, job satisfaction and ‘flow’ (or optimal experience)’. An engaged workforce willingly demonstrates discretionary effort within their roles; their goals and values reflect that of their employers/organisation; they express a passion for work, feel valued and that their work has meaning.
To what extent is there employee engagement in your organisation, or an organisation of your choice?
Within my organisation, a specialist recruitment company, I perceive that engagement levels are generally high. As a high pressure, sales driven and ‘cut throat’ setting, without a formal HR department, there are many aspects to this work environment that could lead to disengagement. However, careful strategies are continually implemented and regularly reviewed by the management team to develop the existing workforce and reduce staff turnover. Great care is taken into ensuring that employees are selected at interview for personal attributes that thrive within a competitive, sales driven setting. Every employee receives a 1:1 session with their line manager each week; this provides an opportunity to ask for support, receive feedback on performance, discuss strategy and set own personal SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) objectives that promote high levels of role autonomy. Furthermore, all employees, at all levels are included within the Managing Directors weekly update email, which reinforces business goals/objectives and promotes inclusion. Analyse, with examples, the principal dimensions of employee engagement (the emotional, the cognitive and the physical).
The three principle dimensions of engagement:
Physical: refers to those that are