HIV Statistics in American Colleges
Kelli Gibson
MA 132-I TR 1pm
Project Paper
Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a lethal virus that eventually causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS.) Once the virus is contracted it attacks and destroys the human immune system. The human immune system is group of biological structures that protect the body from harmful particles that may enter. Without the immune system the tiniest thing like a common cold can be lethal to the human body. According to the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,106,400 people were infected with HIV (not including ones affected with AIDS) in 2006. By 2008, there were approximately 53,000 new cases and in 2009 another 42,959 was added to that number. Out of the 42,959 new cases in 2009, 8,460 hadn’t even seen their 25th birthday. As a matter of fact, the incidence of HIV cases among the age groups increase dramatically at the 15-19 age group and the rates peek at the 20-24 age group. Who are these people? Unfortunately, they are American’s bright future; our college students. “As of 2008 1 out of every 1500 college students are HIV positive and 2 people between the ages 13-25 are infected every hour” (C. Slaughter). Where did this horrific epidemic come from? How did it start? How does it affect our nation’s college students? And most importantly, what are we doing about it?
How did it start?
Although new research dates HIV/AIDS in the United States as early as the 1950s the epidemic was not recognized until the early 1980s. Cases of young homosexual men dying from failed immune systems began to swarm the hospitals of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and then New York. Within 2 years dozens and dozens of cases of infected men, women, and children began to emerge all over the United States. By the end of 1982 the deadly virus and disease was named HIV/AIDS. By 1983 a doctor in France isolated the HIV,
References: Avert. "HIV and AIDS in America." AIDS & HIV Information from the AIDS Charity AVERT. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>. Avert. "The Origin of HIV and the First Cases of AIDS." AIDS & HIV Information from the AIDS Charity AVERT. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>. AVERT. "Worldwide AIDS & HIV Statistics." AIDS & HIV Information from the AIDS Charity AVERT. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>. D.M. Hill, S.J. Larque, A.D. Lyszkowski, M. Porter, W.D. Potter, S.L. Solanki, N.D. White and T.H. Williams. "Condoms - An Overview." AZoM™ - The A to Z of Materials and AZojomo - The "AZo Journal of Materials Online" 4 June 2001. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>. Slaughter, Cortney. "HIV a Big Problem for College Students - Features." FSU Voice. 26 Mar. 2008. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>. Wahlberg, David. "HIV Study Is Chilling to Black College Campuses." American Renaissance. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. <>.