A new framework emerges, emphasizing the 4Rs, o Relevance o Response o Relationships o Results
Grove et al., 2000 Services Marketing can be compared to a theatrical production. How the service is performed is as important as what is performed. Critical factor is therefore the customer experience. The traditional Marketing Mix does not adequately capture the special circumstances that are present when marketing a service product.
Four strategic theatrical elements constitute the Services Experience: o Actors o Audience o Setting o Performance
These elements must be added to the extended services Marketing Mix model of Booms en Bitner.
Marketing services in a changing world requires focusing on increasing the customer satisfaction and rejecting old product paradigms and marketing fallacies.
The four keys of Modern (services)
o Price o Brand o Packaging o Relationsps
7ps narrowly defined the additional 3 terms
Therefore, through digging-up of literature and identifying current weaknesses, the marketing mix could be flexibly adapted according to changes.
Moreover, Waterschoot and Van den Bulte (1992) have introduced a revised Marketing Mix which emphasizes in the communication. Actually this alternative mix focuses on personalization, since it is built on the determination and judgement of marketing instruments to be used according to consumer’s behaviour. It is considered significant for this study to give this revised mix in
Appendix F. Personalization is expected to create a higher sense of student’s satisfaction although it hides