Douglas Gorton
A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science and Applications
Thesis Committee: Dr. Edward A. Fox, Chairman Dr. Weiguo (Patrick) Fan Dr. Shawn Bohner
April 13, 2007 Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Keywords: Digital Libraries, 5S, 5SL, DSpace, Digital Library Specification, Digital Library Generation
Copyright © 2007 Douglas Gorton
Douglas Gorton
Committee Chairman: Dr. Edward A. Fox Computer Science
(Abstract) In today’s ever-changing world of technology and information, a growing number of organizations and universities seek to store digital documents in an online, accessible manner. These digital library (DL) repositories are powerful systems that allow institutions to store their digital documents while permitting interaction and collaboration among users in their organizations. Despite the continual work on DL systems that can produce out-of-the-box online repositories, the installation, configuration, and customization processes of these systems are still far from straightforward. Motivated by the arduous process of designing digital library instances; installing software packages like DSpace and Greenstone; and configuring, customizing, and populating such systems, we have developed an XML-based model for specifying the nature of DSpace digital libraries. The ability to map out a digital library to be created in a straightforward, XML-based way allows for the integration of such a specification with other DL tools. To make use of DL specifications for DSpace, we create a DL generator that uses these models of digital library systems to create, configure, customize, and populate DLs as specified. We draw heavily on previous work in