1. What is object-oriented analysis, and what are some advantages of this method?
In object-oriented analysis each object represents real people, places, events, and transactions (nouns). Unlike structured analysis, which treats data and processes separately, objects include data and processes that can affect the data. A major advantage of O-O designs is that systems analysts can save time and avoid errors by using modular objects, and programmers can translate the designs into code, working with reusable program modules that have been tested and verified
2. Define an object, and provide three examples.
3. Define an attribute, and provide three examples.
4. Define a method, and provide three examples.
5. Define encapsulation, and explain how it is used in object-oriented analysis.
Encapsulation is the idea that all data and methods are self-contained, as in a black box. The black box concept is an example of encapsulation, which means that all data and methods are self-contained. A black box does not want or need outside interference. Encapsulation allows objects to be used as modular components anywhere in the system, because objects send and receive messages but do not alter the internal methods of other objects.
6. Define polymorphism, and provide three examples.
Polymorphism is the concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects. For example GOOD NIGHT message might produce different results depending if it is received by a child or the family dog. When received by the parent object the message causes the parent object to read a bedtime story. When received by the dog object it causes the dog to go to sleep and when received by the child object it causes the child to get ready for bed.
7. Define a class, subclass, and superclass, and provide three examples of each.
8. Define an actor, and provide three examples.
9. Define a use case and a use case diagram, and prepare a sample of each.
A use case